

添加189字节, 2018年10月16日 (二) 14:57
<span style="font-size:large;">I&nbsp;received my B.Sc. degree in Department of Computer Science and Technology of Nanjing University in June 2014. In the same year, I was admitted to study for a Phd degree in Nanjing University&nbsp;without entrance examination.&nbsp;</span>
<span style="font-size:large;">Currently I am a third year PhD student of Department of Computer Science and Technology&nbsp;in Nanjing University&nbsp;and a member of IIP&nbsp;Group, led by professor Jun-Yuan Xie and Chong-Jun Wang. I am also one of the members of the international branches of&nbsp;[https://hpi.de/en/research/research-school/international-branches/nanjing-university.html Hasso-Plattner-Institut ] from Germany (2016-2019).</span>
<span style="color:#c0392b;"><span style="font-size:x-large;">'''Research Interest'''</span></span>
*<span style="font-size:large;">From&nbsp;Sep, 2016 to Aug, 2019:&nbsp;Scholarship for Doctoral Studies (2016-2019), Hasso-Plattner-Institut</span>&nbsp;<span style="font-size:large;">, Germany</span>
*<span style="font-size:large;">Oct, 2018:&nbsp;Huawei Scholarship for Ph.D., NJU, China</span>
*<span style="font-size:large;">Oct, 2017:&nbsp;Huawei Scholarship for Ph.D., NJU, China</span>
*<span style="font-size:large;">May, 2014:&nbsp;Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award, NJU, China</span>