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*<span style="font-size:large;">'''Lu H''', Kang N, Li Y, Zhan Q, Xie J, Wang C. Utilizing Recurrent Neural Network for Topic Discovery in Short Text Scenarios[J]. '''''Intelligent Data Analysis''''', 2019, 23(2). [To Appear]</span>
*<span style="font-size:large;">Xie L, Wang L, '''Lu H''', Li N, Wang C. Topics may Evolve: Using Complaint Date for Analysis[C]. In ''Proceedings of '''ICTAI-17'''''. Boston, MA. USA, 2017. [To Appear]</span>
*<span style="font-size:large;">'''Lu H''', Xie L, Kang N, Wang C and Xie J. Don't Forget the Quantifiable Relationship between Words: Using Recurrent Neural Network for Short Text Topic Discovery[C]. In ''Proceedings of '''AAAI-17'''''. San Francisco, USA, 2017: 1192-1198.</span>