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  • Heng-Yang Lu @ NJUCS,



陆恒杨 Heng-Yang Lu

Ph.D. Candidate @ IIP Group
Department of Computer Science and Technology
National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology
Nanjing University


Professor Jun-Yuan Xie and Professor Chong-Jun Wang


I received my B.Sc. degree in Department of Computer Science and Technology of Nanjing University in June 2014. In the same year, I was admitted to study for a Ph.D. degree in Nanjing University without entrance examination. 

Currently, I am a third year Ph.D. student of Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing University and a member of IIP Group, led by professor Jun-Yuan Xie and Chong-Jun Wang. I am also one of the members of the international branches of Hasso-Plattner-Institut from Germany (2016-2019).

Research Interests

I am interested in Data Mining and Natural Language Process. Currently, I am focusing on the subfields:

  • text mining
  • topic model in short text scenario

Recent News

  • Dec 13-16, 2018: Presentation at the 25th ICONIP Conference, Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • Nov 20-21, 2018: Presentation at the 7th HPI Research School at NJU Workshop, Nanjing, China
  • Oct 19-21, 2017: Attend the Student Forum of the 10th China-Japan University Presidents Conference, Shenyang, China
  • Apr 26-28, 2017: Invited talk at the 12th Annual Symposium on Future Trends in SOC, Potsdam, Germany
  • Feb 02-09, 2017: Poster night at the 31st AAAI Conference, San Francisco, USA
  • Nov 07-08, 2016: Presentation and elevator pitch at 5th HPI Research School at NJU Workshop, Nanjing, China
  • Nov 09-11, 2015: Oral talk at the 27th ICTAI Conference, Vietri Sul Mare, Italy
  • Aug 16-18, 2015: Oral talk at the 15th CCML Conference, Chengdu, China


  • From Sep 2016 to Aug 2019: Scholarship for Doctoral Studies (2016-2019), from Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Germany
  • Oct 2018: Huawei Scholarship for Ph.D., from NJU, China
  • Oct 2017: Huawei Scholarship for Ph.D., from NJU, China
  • May 2014: Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award, from NJU, China
  • May 2012: Outstanding Student Cadres, from the Provincial Education Department of Jiangsu, China



· Exploiting Global Semantic Similarity Biterms for Short-text Topic Discovery[PDF]

Lu H, Ge G, Li Y, Wang C, Xie J

In Proceedings of  ICTAI-18. Volos. Greece, 2018: 975-982. [Accepted]

· Online Single Homogeneous Source Transfer Learning Based on AdaBoost

Du Y, Chen Q, Lu H, Wang C

In Proceedings of  ICTAI-18. Volos. Greece, 2018: 344-349.[Accepted]

· Constructing Pseudo Documents with Semantic Similarity for Short Text Topic Discovery[PDF]

Lu H, Li Y, Tang C, Wang C, Xie J

In Proceedings of ICONIP-18. Siem Reap. Cambodia, 2018: 437-449.[Accepted]

· Topics may Evolve: Using Complaint Date for Analysis [PDF]

Xie L, Wang L, Lu H, Li N, Wang C

In Proceedings of ICTAI-17. Boston, MA. USA, 2017: 1296-1303.

· Don't Forget the Quantifiable Relationship between Words: Using Recurrent Neural Network for Short Text Topic Discovery [PDF]

Lu H, Xie L, Kang N, Wang C and Xie J

In Proceedings of AAAI-17. San Francisco, USA, 2017:1192-1198.

· Biterm Pseudo Document Topic Model for Short Text [PDF]

Jiang L, Lu H, Xu M and Wang C

In Proceedings of ICTAI-16. San Jose, USA, 2016: 865-872.

· Never Ignore The Significance Of Different Anomalies: A Cost-sensitive Algorithm Based On Loss Function For Anomaly Detection [PDF]

Lu H, Chen F, Xu M, Wang C and Xie J

In Proceedings of ICTAI-15. Vietri Sul Mare, Italy, 2015: 1099-1105.


· Utilizing Recurrent Neural Network for Topic Discovery in Short Text Scenarios

Lu H, Kang N, Li Y, Zhan Q, Xie J, Wang C   

Intelligent Data Analysis, 2019, 23(2). [To Appear]

· A Region of Interest Detection Method for Mammography based on Multi-cue Feature Integration[Chinese Version]

Lu H, Li N and Xie J

Journal of Nanjing University: Nat Sci Ed, 2016, 52(1): 194-202.

Professional Activities

  • Reviewer of KAIS (Knowledge and Information Systems), Journal
  • Dec 13, 2018: Session Chair of 'Word, text and document processing' in ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Teaching Assistants

  • Mathematical Logic. (for undergraduate students. Spring, 2016)
  • Introduction to Java Programming. (for undergraduate students. Fall, 2014)

Personal Interests

  • Travelling and Photography
  • Tennis