M.Sc. Student @ IIP Group<br/> Department of Computer Science and Technology<br/> Nanjing University
Email: weisun_@outlook.com
*Professor Jun-Yuan Xie
<span style="font-size:larger;"><span style="color:#3498db;">'''Biography'''</span></span>
*I received my B.Sc. degree in of Soochow University in June 2017. In the same year, I was admitted to study for a Master degree in Nanjing University without entrance examination. Currently I am a second year M.Sc. student of Department of Computer Science and Technology in Nanjing University and a member of IIP Group, led by professor Jun-Yuan Xie and Chong-Jun Wang.
<span style="font-size:larger;"><span style="color:#3498db;">'''Research Interest'''</span></span>
*I am interested in Machine Learning and Multi-label Learning.
<span style="font-size:larger;"><span style="color:#3498db;">'''Resources'''</span></span>